среда, 8 апреля 2009 г.


Men enjoy saying that they “know a pretty face when they see one”. At the same time, how could one know for sure what actually is beautiful and what is ugly. As it turns out, a face that at first sight appears to be quite plain may seem almost beautyful after a while of a more sophisticated look. Beauty is something inexplicable, something misterious and very attractive. Beauty is charm and kindness, unpredictable and extraordinary, even something irregular. Amazingly enough, but facial features that are close to perfectioness are hardly ever very pretty. Maybe, perfectioness in itself is something too cold, stagy and…unnatural that it scares and even antagonizes. God only knows!

Certainly, it is next to impossible to appeal to everybody but at the same time there are people who we like less and those who we almost admire. Maybe, beauty is all about charm? Or some incomprehensible chemistry which is hidden somewhere deep inside… Some say, beauty is all honesty, purity of thought and kind-heartedness. Why not? But it seems to me really, that beauty is all around it is like air, or wind, or sky. The air can be hot and cold, so can be the wind, as for the sky it is never the same and when we say we hate the grey sky who knows what would we have thought if it remained blue and cloudless for years on end! Change is also beautiful and a human would not survive in an invariable world.

So, whoever created this world, he was incredibly wise and far-sighted because whatever happens, we human, never stop to admire his creation and be charmed with its wonders.

What do you think is the most beautiful thing in the world?

четверг, 26 марта 2009 г.

Is that true?

We regard beauty in very high honors in our society and we cringe at the thought of getting older because it might mar our beauty. However, there are many people who have had to learn to go from the heights of beauty into the depths of loneliness because of accidents, attacks, or other disfiguring events. When we lose our beauty, our entire perception changes. Many of us wonder what could have been, we become bitter, and we tend to understand that society no longer holds us in the same regard as it once did. An accident that detracts from beauty is just that, an accident. And yet those who bear facial scars often turn inward, looking only to their inner voice for solace. They become afraid to go out into the world, fall in love, be loved, and even fear their own worthiness in the world.Accidents of the disfiguring type are very scary. They leave one who was accustomed to the rights that beauty buys with scars that are much farther below the surface. There is an instant transformation when beauty is lost to facial scarring and there is only so much that medical science can do. Some scars can not be fixed, and the internal ones can never be fixed even if the outward beauty can be restored. We regard our beauty with specific intensity and we are no longer confident with who we are when our beauty is stolen. This is the tragic loss of beauty that leads to the tragic loss of oneself. It need not end that way.

пятница, 30 января 2009 г.

Female Beauty

Gentle and smooth - it is a constant subject of acute and the subject of male attention. If a man is not pathological pervert, all the same to him close relatives and a smooth body with soft skin, devoid of "tropical vegetation." Luckily, the problem of disposal of excess hair on the body today is quite be resolved. Today there are even creams for the rapid withdrawal of the hair, which is only applied to the skin and then after a while just to wash off with water! So the problem is solved tactically, strategically, the course you need to think about the skilled care a favorite.
Of course, removing the skin from excess wool cover you with surprise and sadness One note that the skin appeared those moments that only yesterday were either not visible or not striking. Warts and other "evil" continue to engage the dejected look, is not adjusting to a wave of admiration and even less sex. But be aware that in any beauty salon, the problem now is solved easily and naturally!
Shoulder belt - a means to correct your posture.
Believe me, dear woman - one of the biggest myths about men's preferences is a very popular myth about the size of the breast! Nothing is more repulsive to their point of view than the majority. Today's technological advances it is ready to help you resolve the issue of tone and elasticity of chest muscles. This is primarily vacuum massage, which for a short time, it is able to create the effect of braces.