четверг, 26 марта 2009 г.
Is that true?
We regard beauty in very high honors in our society and we cringe at the thought of getting older because it might mar our beauty. However, there are many people who have had to learn to go from the heights of beauty into the depths of loneliness because of accidents, attacks, or other disfiguring events. When we lose our beauty, our entire perception changes. Many of us wonder what could have been, we become bitter, and we tend to understand that society no longer holds us in the same regard as it once did. An accident that detracts from beauty is just that, an accident. And yet those who bear facial scars often turn inward, looking only to their inner voice for solace. They become afraid to go out into the world, fall in love, be loved, and even fear their own worthiness in the world.Accidents of the disfiguring type are very scary. They leave one who was accustomed to the rights that beauty buys with scars that are much farther below the surface. There is an instant transformation when beauty is lost to facial scarring and there is only so much that medical science can do. Some scars can not be fixed, and the internal ones can never be fixed even if the outward beauty can be restored. We regard our beauty with specific intensity and we are no longer confident with who we are when our beauty is stolen. This is the tragic loss of beauty that leads to the tragic loss of oneself. It need not end that way.